We are #iamallwomen.
A group of three friends who
decided to make change in our lives, to stop letting society and it’s
unrealistic standards dictate our everyday routine. We stand here, in front
of you, to show you you can do the same. We are here to make a change, make
our voices heard, and inspire you to do so as well. Life is about acceptance
and love. It’s about a positive mindset, attitude, and compassion. We all
have different stories. Stories that made us who we are today, stories that
need to be heard. So here we are, beginning anew, and taking all of you with
I am all women who used to feel insecure. I am all women who have been
bullied. I am all women with curves. I am all women who have cellulite. I am
all women who have been named the duff. I am all women who should love
themselves for what they are. I am all women who should feel beautiful. I
am all women.
There’s always the loud one in the group, always the smart one, always
the skinny one and among all of these and more - there’s always the DUFF. The
designated ugly fat friend that makes everyone else look prettier, smarter,
better. I thought that was me. And even though I didn’t think the worst of
myself, all the name-calling made me feel insecure, made me feel like the
duff. But I wasn’t one, no one is. It is just a made up
phrase. Now I am here, body positive and feeling beautiful in my own skin,
surrounded with like-minded people. Here to inspire others and help them love
themselves more.
Body positivity and acceptance doesn’t come over night - it comes with
experience, age and support of others. We’re not born to fit into a mold -
we’re all different and we’re all beautiful. This is why we all started this
and I invite you to follow us on our journey. Follow us on
Me smo #Iamallwomen, me smo #vseženske.
Skupina treh prijateljic, ki so se odločile za spremembo v lastnih
življenjih, preprečiti družbi in nerealnim standardom, da bi še naprej diktirali našo
vsakodnevno rutino. Stojimo tukaj, da
pokažemo, da lahko vsi storite enako. Tukaj, da naredimo spremembo, izrazimo
svoje mnenje in vas inspiriramo.
V življenju gre za sprejemanje in ljubezen.
Gre za pozitivno mišljenje, odnos in sočutje.
Vse imamo različne zgodbe. Zgodbe, ki so iz nas naredile to, kar smo
danes. Zgodbe, ki morajo biti slišane. Zato smo tukaj, ustvarjamo novo zgodbo
in vas želimo peljati zraven.
Sem vse ženske, ki so bile negotove vase. Sem vse ženske, iz katerih
so se norčevali. Sem vse ženske, ki imajo obliname. Sem vse ženske, ki imajo
celulit. Sem vse ženske, ki so se poimenovale DUFF. Sem vse ženske, ki bi se
morale imeti rade take, kot so. Sem vse ženske, ki bi se morale počutiti
lepe. Sem vse ženske.
V skupini
prijateljev je vedno nekdo najglasnejši, nekdo najpametnejši, najbolj suh in
poleg vseh teh in še več tipov naj- prijateljev, je tudi DUFF, designated
ugly fat friend. (=prijatelj, imenovan
za grdega in debelega) In čeprav se nisem imela za najbolj grozno med prijatelji, so me vse
zbadljivke in žaljivke vrstnikov naredile negotovo. Dolgo sem mislila, da sem duff jaz.
Ampak nisem bila, nihče ni. To je izmišljotina! Danes sem tukaj, pozitivna
glede sebe in svojega telesa, rada sem v svoji koži in obkrožena z enako
mislečimi ljudmi. Tukaj, da inspiriram druge in jim pomagam, da bi se imeli
Pozitiva in
sprejemanje lastnega telesa ne pride čez noč – pride z izkušnjami, leti in
podporo drugih. Nismo rojeni, da bi se prilegali v kalup – vsi smo različni
in vsi smo čudoviti. Zato smo začele s projektom in te vabimo, da se nam
pridružiš. Sledi nam na @iamallwomen.
October 30, 2017