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Photo: Nike Koležnik |
Vital. Healthy. Proud of yourself.
This is the second post about my 7-day experience in Terme Šmarješke Toplice and the SlimFit program. In the first post, you were able to read all about sports activites and the wonderful nature. This post is dedicated to the relaxing and (in my opinion) the most enjoyable part - wellness and spa and healthy, delicious food!
Vitalni. Zdravi.
Ponosni nase.
Tale objava je posvečena drugemu delu mojega 7-dnevnega bivanja v Termah Šmarješke Toplice in programu SlimFit. V prvi objavi ste lahko prebrali o športnih aktivivnostih in čudoviti naravi, ki obdaja terme, danes pa bom pisala o sproščujočih aktivnosti, v katerih sem zagotovo najbolj uživala ter tudi o uravnoteženi in zdravi prehrani.
Let's talk about food first! Because I know many of you are interested in how big the meals are, what did we eat and was it even tasty.
A big advantage of the SlimFit program is that every guest gets five balanced, diverse and individually prepared meals per day, made out of local and seasonal ingredients. On the first day, you get to talk to a nutritionist, tell them your wishes and if you have any allergies or food that you don't like.
You can choose between seven different options for breakfast: from a classic - cereal and yoghurt to an omlette with vegetables or fruit plates. While breakfast is up to you, lunch and dinner menu is prepared a week in advance, but with minor adjustments based on each guest's needs. Morning and afternoon snack are prepared and packed to go, so you can eat it in between activities. For a sweettooth like me, a big surprise is there are also two desserts per week. Yum!
Sooo ... how was the food?
I expected the meals to be small, plain and taste-less, but it was the complete opposite! Although I am usually quite picky and I dislike a lot of food, I said I'd taste everything and give a second (or a third) chance to some of the things I disliked. And I was pleasantly surprised by the size of our meals and the new flavours. I think I ate even more than I usually do at home, but the difference is in the healthy nutrients and how different kind of food digests.
Pa začnimo s hrano! Ker vem, da vas je veliko takih, ki vas zanima, kolikšni in kakšni so bili obroki ter če so bili sploh okusni.
Prednost programa SlimFit je to, da vsak udeleženec dnevno dobi pet uravnoteženih, raznolikih in individualno pripravljenih obrokov iz lokalnih in sezonskih. sestavin. Prvi dan bivanja se vsak gost posvetuje s prehransko svetovalko, ji zaupa svoja pričakovanja in želje glede programa ter morebitne alergije ali hrano, ki bi jo želel črtati z jedilnika.
Za zajtrk je vselej na voljo sedem različnih menijev, med katerimi lahko izbirate: od klasike - kosmičev in jogurta, do omlete in zelenjave ter sadnjih krožnikov. Medtem ko je zajtrk lahko po vaših željah, pa je meni za kosilo in večerjo pripravljen za en teden vnaprej, z manjšimi spremembami glede na potrebe posameznega gosta. Za slaskodneda kot sem jaz pa je bilo to, da sta na teden kar dve sladici, pravo presenečenje. Njami!
In ... kakšna je bila torej hrana?
Moja pričakovanja so bila majhni obroki ter pusta hrana brez okusa, ampak se je izkazalo ravno nasprotno! Čeprav sem sicer zelo izbirčna glede hrane in mnogih stvari ne jem, sem si tokrat rekla, da dam nekaterim stvarem drugo (ali tretjo) priložnost. Prijetno sem bila presenečena nad velikostjo obrokov in nad novimi okusi. Imela sem občutek, da sem pojedla celo več, kot prej doma, a razlika je v 'zdravih' kalorijah in (zdravi) hrani, ki jo telo drugače prebavlja.
Vitarium Spa & Clinique
As I've said before - days in Šmarješke Toplice Spa consist of sporty mornings and relaxing afternoons. That's why I'll be talking about all of the relaxing services you get to enjoy with SlimFit program.
AROMA MASSAGE for body detox consists of different massage techniques (acupressure, shiatsu, lymphatic drainage) and etheric oils. This allows your body to restore and maintain it's inner peace and harmony.
CLASSIC BODY MASSAGE is a full-body massage with natural oils that increases circulation and banishes tensions in your body. I sit a lot in front the computer and most of the tension is gathered in the shoulders and upper back. The first massage was a bit uncomfortable for me, but I relaxed completely with the second one. Although it even hurt a little at some parts, the best part is definitely the feeling after a massage, when you feel all the knots are gone and like you're a lot lighter.
WRAP UP is a peeling and clay coating for weight-loss acceleration, that removes toxines and excessive fluids with etherical oils and vitamins.
DETOX BATH consists of epsom salt and the most relaxing 20-minutes in a massage bath that will help with your digest and nervous systems, it will accelerate toxins elimination, and it also helps people with insomnia and chronic ilnesses. Definitely one of my favorite spa services that helped me relax to the fullest!
LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE is a massage technique, performed manually in Vitarum Spa center. It helps the fluids move around the body to strengthen the immune and nervous system, removes cellular waste from the body and affects the nervous system in a relaxing way.
BEAUTYTEK is a biocybernetic simulation, performed with probes and an electrolyte ointment. It provides a nonsurgical lifting and fatty tissue reduction on the desired body part - stomach, thighs, butt.
Kot sem že pisala - dnevi v Termah Šmarješke Toplice so sestavljeni iz športnih dopoldnevov in sproščujočih popoldnevov, zato bom danes pisala o vseh sproščujočih storitvah, ki jih ponuja program SlimFit.
AROMA MASAŽA za razstrupljanje združuje različne masažne tehnike (akupresura, shiatsu, limfna drenaža) ter eterična olja, kar omogoča vzpostavitev notranjega miru in harmonije telesa.
KLASIČNA MASAŽA TELESA je masaža celotnega telesa z naravnimi olji, ki poveča prekrvavitev ter sprošča napetosti v telesu. Zame, ki veliko sedim za računalnikom in se večina napetosti nabira na območju ramenskega obroča, je bila prva masaža malenkost neprijetna, z drugo pa sem se popolnoma sprostila. Čeprav je na trenutke celo zabolelo, pa je najboljši seveda občutek po masaži, ko zares čutiš, da so vsi tisti vozlički izginili in se počutiš lažjega.
WRAP UP pomeni piling in oblogo iz gline za pospeševanje hujšanja, ki s pomočjo izbranih eteričnih olj ter vitaminov iz telesa odstranjuje toksine in odvečno tekočino.
RAZSTRUPLJEVALNA KOPEL je zaradi uporabe grenke epsom soli primerna za izboljšanje prebave, pravilno delovanje živčnega telesa in izločanje strupov iz telesa, pomaga pa tudi pri kronočnih obolenih in celo nespečnosti. 20-minutna masažna kopel je bila zagotovo ena izmed mojih najljubših storitev, ob kateri sem se popolnoma sprostila.
LIMFNA DRENAŽA je masažna tehnika, ki jo v Vitarium Spa centru izvajajo ročno. Z njo poskrbijo za pospešitev gibanja tekočin ter krepitev imunskega in živčnega sistema, iz telesa pa odstranjuje tudi odpadne snovi in tekočino ter na živčni sistem učinkuje pomirjujoče.
BEAUTYTEK je biokibernetska simulacija, ki nima povezave s tekom 😊, a s pomočjo sonde in gela z elektroliti poskrbi za nekirurški lifting in zmanjševanje maščobnih oblog željenega dela telesa (trebuh, stegna, zadnjica).
Foto: Nike Koležnik
And what are the results?
I lost 2,5kg in one week. But SlimFit is not just about losing weight in a week - before you leave, you get to talk to a nutritionist again, and you also get some helpful instructions and recipes so you can continue the program at home - not just to lose weight but to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
If you have any questions about the SlimFit program I will be happy to answer or you can read more about it HERE.
In kakšni so rezultati?
V enem tednu sem izgubila 2,5kg in kar nekaj centimetrov okrog pasu in bokov. Seveda pa SlimFit ni samo en teden hujšanja v termah - pred odhodom se namreč ponovno srečaš s prehransko svetovalko in za domov dobiš popotnico zdravih receptov in koristnih nasvetov, da lahko z ne samo hujšanjem, ampak zdravim življenjskim slogom nadaljuješ tudi doma.
V kolikor imaš kakršnokoli vprašanje glede programa SlimFit ti nanj z veseljem odgovorim, več pa si lahko prebereš tudi TUKAJ.