Hotel Saint Louis Pigalle || Paris, France

Saint Louis Pigalle - when a hotel room feels like home.

Located in the 9th arrondisement, with just a few minutes away from Moulin Rouge and Montmartre, Saint Louis hotel is a perfect choice for anyone who loves to travel alone, with family or friends, that loves harmoniously decorated rooms and that cozy home-like feeling.

We were welcomed to our big suite by the friendly staff and we couldn't decide what we love more - the giant beds, big bathroom or the French balcony. We were tired from the travelling so we first settled in, took a hot shower and changed our outfits. One of the best things apart from already mentioned parts of the suite were the mirrored wardrobes between the two rooms. Perfect for three girls traveling to Paris for one week!

You know your girl loves to eat - and hotel breakfasts are my favorite! This was no exception. From baguettes to croissants, different kind of french cheese and jams, delicious coffee and orange juice.

And because a picture says a thousands words, I'll let them do the rest of the talking. :)

Saint Louis Pigalle - ko se v hotelski sobi počutiš kot doma.

Hotel se nahaja v 9. okrožju, le nekaj minut stran od Moulin Rouge in Montmartra, ki ga krasi SacreCoeur, in je idealna izbira tako za pare, družine ali izlete s prijatelji. Sobe so opremljene zelo okusno, harmonično, in dajejo prijeten občutek udobja in domačnosti.

Ko nas je prijazno osebje sprejelo v hotel in suito, se nismo mogle odločiti, kaj nam je bolj všeč - ogromne postelje, velika kopalnica ali francoski balkon. Ker smo bile utrujene od poti, smo se najprej namestile, stuširale in preoblekle. In še ena zakon stvar, poleg že omenjenih, so bile velike omare z ogledali čez cel hodnik med dvema sobama. Popolno za tri dekleta, ki ostajajo v Parizu cel teden! Prtljaga, prtljaga, prtljaga ...

Obožujem hrano - in hotelski zajtrki so zagotovo moji najljubši! Tudi ta ni bil izjema. Od baget  in rogljičkov, do različnih francoskih sirov in marmelad, odlične kave in svežega soka.

In ker fotografija pove tisoč besed, bom zaključek te objave prepustila kar njim. :)
Photo: Nike Koležnik