Z blogersko kolegico Zalo sva se pretekli vikend odpravili na kratek prvomajski
izlet po Dunaju, ki sem ga sama obiskala prvič, mestece pa me je že takoj
navdušilo. Kljub temu, da je veliko večje kot naša Ljubljana, ima vseeno
prijeten občutek domačnosti, navdušena pa sem bila predvsem nad arhitekturo
in prostranimi ulicami. No, in s sladoledom. 😄
Ker sva stanovali v samem centru mesta, sva se kar nekajkrat
sprehodili skozi Stadtpark, v katerem so nastale tudi današnje fotografije.
I visited Vienna with my fellow blogger Zala this past weekend. It
was my first time there and the city had my heart at the first footstep.
Although a lot bigger than my hometown, Ljubljana, it gives a
homelike feeling, and I especially loved the architecture and it's spacious
strees. Well, and the ice cream. 😄
Because we were staying in the centre of Vienna, we took a few walks
through Stadtpark and also shoot this look there.
Top: Missguided | Asos
Pants: Missguided
Bag. Deichmann
Earrings: The Peach Box
Necklace: Primark
Lipstick: Bell Hypoallergenic no. 02
Lipstick: Bell Hypoallergenic no. 02