Preveliki rokavi…
Vsako sezono se srečamo z novimi trendi, ki v hipu preplavijo
trgovinske police in instagram profile modnih navdušenk. O tem, da me je to
pomlad navdušil trend velikih in volančkastih rokavov, ste se lahko
prepričali že v prejšnji objavi, z današnjo pa to zgolj še potrjujem.
Kako pa je ta trend všeč tebi?
Klasična ura..
Še ena novost v tej objavi pa je moja nova ura Classic Petite znamke
Daniel Wellington. Eleganten pašček v rose-gold barvi in bela številčnica je
kombinacija, ki je takoj osvojila moje srce in bo nedvomno moj najljubši
dodatek. Liniji Classic Petite pa so
pred kratkim dodali tudi zamenljive usnjene paščke.
Do 30. junija lahko na danielwellington.com s kodo ANAKREJEVSKA izkoristiš
15% popust na svoj nakup.
Wide sleeves…
We meet a lot of new trends every season that hit the store
shelves and fashion bloggers' instagram feeds in a blink of an eye. I think
it's pretty obvious that wide and frilled sleeves are one of my favorite
trends this spring if you've seen my last post and today's outfit will just
confirm that.
How do you like this trend?
Classic wristwatch…
Another novelty in this post is my new Classic Petite watch by Daniel
Wellington. Elegant rose-gold band and white dial combo won me over in a
heart beat and is now my favorite accessory.
The brand recently launched a new line of leather bands to go with the
Classic Petite line.
You can get 15% off your purchase on danielwellington.com with my
code ANAKREJEVSKA. Valid until 30th June.