I decided to join all my favorite winter pieces in one outfit, because that is something you'll see me wearing a lot this season and because these are the pieces that are classic and chic at the same time.
Camel coat
This is the winter upgrade of your beloved trench coat. There is something about camel coats that they always look elegant and stylish, even if you're practically wearing your tracksuit under it.
Cable knits
Knits for winter – groundbreaking right?! But my favorite is the one with cable pattern in the front - the one I hated when I was a kid, but is a total come back trend I'm loving now.
Timeles watch
I don't wear a lot of jewellery, usually just my Daniel Wellington watch and a set of little earrings. I think a wrist watch adds an elegant touch to any outfit and is definitely my favorite accessory.
I brought this babe from my trip to Paris this fall and it's so funny that it became such an instagrammable trend in this time. I think it adds a little of that Parisian chic and I totally need one with pearls as well.
Ankle boots
Don't you think I forgot about these babies! I usually get myself a pair (or two) of new ankle booties every season, but I found these ones in my closet and I totally love them!
Za današnjo objavo sem sestavila outfit in mojih najljubših kosov to zimo, saj me boste v njih gotovo velikokrat videli. To so kosi, ki so hkrati klasični in modni.
Kamelji plašč
To je zimska nadgradnja tvojemu najljubšemu trenčkotu. Zimski plašč v kamelje rjavi barvi je kos, ki bo vedno izgledal elegantno in modno, četudi pod njim morda oblečeš trenirko. :D
… ampak ne čisto vsake. Tiste z vzorci! Take pletenine sem pred leti prezirala in zavijala z očmi, danes pa so trend iz preteklosti, ki sem ga vzljubila.
Nosim zelo malo nakita, po navadi zgolj najljubši model Daniel Wellington ure in manjše uhančke. Po mojem mnenju je ročna ura tista, ki doda nekaj elegance in je zagotovo moj najljubši dodatek.
Tole lepotico sem prinesla s svojega jesenskega izleta v Pariz in je res zanimivo, kako je ravno to sezono postala tako velik (instagram) trend. Doda nekaj tistega pariškega šika in mislim, da potrebujem še eno s srebrnimi perlicami!
Nisem pozabila nanje! Kljub temu, da si ponavadi vsako sezono kupim par (ali dva) novih gležnjarjev, sem tele našla v omari in se na novo zaljubila!
Coat - H&M
Knit - Romwe
Pants - Asos
Shoes - Deichmann
Watch & bracelet - Daniel Wellington (use XMASNATASHA for 15%OFF)
Perfume - BVLGARI - Goldea The Roman night
Shop my outfit and similar pieces: