Fiksiranje ličil za daljšo obstojnost || Baking with Bell Hypoallergenic
February 26, 2017
Vse lepotne navdušenke stremimo k čim bolj obstojnemu make-upu, ki bo zdržal cel dan, brez večjih popravkov, našo najhujšo težavo pa predstavljajo pudri, korektorji in senčila, ki se čez čas 'skrijejo' v manjše (in večje) gubice na našem obrazu. Ti je znano? Potem si skoraj zagotovo že uporabila priljubljeno metodo, vsem bolj znano kot baking. Seveda ne gre za peko obraza, boste pa nekaj minut morda res izgledale, kot da ste se med peko peciva posule z moko. :)
Baking je fiksiranje ličil, pri katerem uporabljamo (največkrat brezbarven) puder v prahu ali kamnu, nanašamo pa ga na predele, ki nam povzročajo največ težav. Ker imam sama suho kožo, se trudim na ta način fiksirati čim manjši predel obraza, da ne bi koža izgledala še bolj suha. Najbolj pomemben predel je tik pod očmi, kjer nanašamo korektor - s tem boste podaljšale obstojnost le-tega in preprečila vsedanje v gubice. Sama fiksiram še manjše področje okoli nosu in smejalne gubice okoli ust, ki mi čez dan delajo največ težav, saj tja zaide največ podlage.
Us, make-up lovers are always on the hunt for new make-up products and techniques to keep our face as flawless as possible throughout the whole day, without creasing and with minimal corrections. Our worst enemies are foundation, concealers and other products that hide into our wrinkles, big or small. Are you familiar with that? Then I bet you've heard about baking - not talking about the pastry and cakes, although you will look like you fell into a bucket of flour for a little while. :)
Baking means using (usually transparent) powder on the areas, that are the most troubled. Because I have dry skin, I try to bake as little part of my face as possible, to prevent my skin from looking even drier. The most important part is baking the under-eye areas, where we use the concealer - it will extend the lasting of it and prevent creasing. I also use this technique around my nose and laughing wrinkles, that cause me the most problems during the day.
Tokrat sem na test postavila puder v prahu znamke Bell Hypoallergenic (klik), za katerega je sicer navedeno, da je transparenten, a v mojem primeru ni bilo tako, vseeno pa je barva ustrezala moji barvi kože. (Mogoče napaka v pakiranju?) Ker pa mi je za baking vseeno ljubši brezbarven puder, ti priporočam tega: klik.
Formula pudra v prahu je zelo lahka, obogatena naj bi bila tudi z mineralnimi pigmenti in jojobinim oljem, kar koži daje enoten ten. Ob njegovi uporabi koža postane matirana, kar je tudi eden izmed razlogov za baking oziroma fiksiranje. Ker sama za fiksiranje najraje uporabljam gobico, bi si želela večje embalaže, ki bi omogočila lažje 'tunkanje' gobice v produkt. Obstojnost je nekajurna, je pa izdelek zaradi obarvanosti bolj primeren za tiste z rumenim podtonom.
Je katera že poizkusila ta puder in naletela na obarvanost? Veselim se vaših komentarjev! <3
I tested the Bell Hypoallergenic transparent mat powder, that is supposed to be ... well, transparent. But not in my case, so I assume there was an error while packing. Did any of you run into the same problem? It fit my skin tone, so I just went with it, but because I prefer transparent powder for baking, I recommend this one.
The product's formula is very light and feels smooth, velvety on the skin. The skin gets matified when using it, which is basically one of the reasons for baking. Because I prefer using a beauty sponge over a brush when baking, I would love to see a bigger packaging, to easily dunk the sponge into the product. Baking will last for a few hours and prevent your face from creasing, however the product (at least in my case) is more suitable for people with yellow skin tone.
Let me know in the comments if you had the same issue with the colour!