Bitka maskar || Bell Hypoallergenic VS Lancôme

Sama imam že naravno kar dolge trepalnice, k njihovi dolžini pa je pripomogel tudi Lux Factor serum, a vsakodnevno uporabljam tudi maskaro, saj sem mnenja, da resnično dopolni celotni videz. V današnji objavi predstavljam moji najljubši maskari, ki sta si zelo podobni po učinku, a zelo različni v ceni.

Bell Hypoallergenic maskara za goste trepalnice

Pri Bellu lahko najdete vrsto maskar - za goste, za dolge, za privihane in za trepalnice polne volumna. Sama prisegam na maskaro za goste trepalnice, saj z mojo naravno dolžino in občasno uporabo vihalca za trepalnice dosežem najboljše rezultate. Bell Hypoallergenic izdelki so hipoalergeni, kar pomeni, da so primerni tudi za ljudi z občutljivo kožo in očmi, kar potrjujem tudi sama. Po mnogih maskarah me namreč pečejo oči, a se mi to pri Bellovi maskari nikoli ni zgodilo. Hkrati maskara zares lepo poudari oči in trepalnic ne zlepi skupaj, skozi dan pa se ne prenese okrog oči.  Maskaro lahko na dobite že za 6,29€.

Lancôme Grandiose Extreme maskara

Maskara je že na videz nekaj posebnega – pokrovček z vrtnico in posebej zavita krtačka za dostopanje do vsake trepalnice. Tudi rezultati me niso pustili ravnodušnih, saj je maskara moje trepalnice podaljšala še malce bolj kot Bellova, na splošno pa je končni rezultat precej podoben. Edina slaba stran Lancome maskare je, da se po nekaj urah okrog oči prenese nekaj maskare.  Če vas (tako kot mene) navduši že sam videz stekleničke, nenazadnje pa tudi rezultati maskare, boste zanjo morali odšteti okrog 30 evrov.

In katera je moja zmagovalka?

Glede na to, da je razlika v ceni kar velika, rezultat pa je skoraj enak, gre zmaga tokrat maskari Bell Hypoallergenic, ki pod mojimi očmi ne pušča črnih madežev. 😄

My lashes are naturally quite long and Lux Faxtor growth serum helpes them look even longer, but I use mascaras on a daily basis, as I really feel like they make every make-up look complete. Today, I present to you my two favorite mascaras. So similar in their effect, but so different when it comes to price.

Bell Hypoallergenic thickening mascara

You can find a whole line of mascara's at Bell – for long, for thick, for curled and for voluminous lashes. I swear by their thickening mascara, because with my natural length and occasional use of a lash curler, I get the best results. Bell's products are hypoallergenic so they are also suitable for people with sensitive skin and eyes, which I can also confirm. Most mascaras irritate and burn my eyes, but that never happened with Bell's products. This mascara will make your eyes pop and won't stick them together, and I am also really happy that it doesn't transfer anywhere around your eyes.
Check it out here.

Lancôme Grandiose Extreme mascara

Mascara already looks like something special – cap with a rose and a specially designed wand that will help you reach every lash. The results won't leave you indifferent either – it made my lashes slightly longer than Bell's, but overall the end result is very similar. The only downside of Lancome's mascara is, that it transfers around the eyes after a couple of hours. If you're impressed by the packaging itself, and of course the results f the mascara, you will have to spend around 30 euro.

And which one is my winner?

Considering the price difference and the similarity in their results, this post goes to Bell Hypoallergenic mascara. 😄
