After a long time, I have a beauty review for you. I will be talking about my new favorite foundation which is a new product from Bell Hypoallergenic.
I am one of those people who prefer the less is more when it comes to foundation and concealer. I am lucky enough I don't have that many problems with breakouts, just a bit of redness – so I usually just use a bit of concealer and mineral powder over my face.
That's why this Aqua Jelly foundation is a perfect fit for me when I do need a drop of foundation – it's very light on the skin so I can barely notice I'm wearing it and it evens out my skin tone nicely. It's a medium coverage foundation, but it can be buildable without caking. It isn't for anyone though, especially not for those with a lot of imperfections on their skin.
There are three shades available and the lighest one is suitable even for us Snow whites. I prefer applying my liquid make-up with a beauty sponge, but I noticed it applies nicely with fingers as well.
I didn't experience any oxidizing on my skin whatsoever and the foundation stayed on throughout the day. Though it might sink into wrinkles a bit, a little mineral powder will solve the problem.
Po dolgem času imam za vas lepotno oceno. Danes pišem o mojem novem najljubšem izdelku znamke Bell Hypoallergenic.
Sem ena tistih, ki se poslužuje 'manj je več', ko govorimo o podlagah in korektorjih. Spadam med tiste srečnice, ki nimajo večjih težav z mozolji in aknami, pojavlja se mi le rdečica, zato navadno uporabljam zgolj korektor in mineralni puder v kamnu.
Prav zato pa se navdušujem nad Aqua Jelly tekočo podlago, ki je popolna takrat, ko pa vendarle potrebujem malce več ličil – je zelo lahka in je na koži skorajda ne čutim, lepo poenoti ten kože in tudi po drugem nanosu ohrani enak videz. Ni pa ta podlaga primerna za vsakogar, saj zaradi srednje prekrivnosti ne bo za tiste z veliko nepravilnostmi na obrazu.
Na voljo so trije odtenki, najsvetlejši pa je primeren tudi za nas, Sneguljčice. Kljub temu, da za nanos tekoče podlage in korektorja najraje uporabljam gobico, pa se Aqua Jelly lepo nanese tudi s prsti.
Na moji koži podlaga ni oksidirala in je čez dan ostala na mestu. Čeprav bo čez dan zašla tudi v kakšno gubico, pa bo malo pudra v kamnu rešilo tudi to težavo.
Svojo Aqua Jelly podlago s kodo NATASA15, ki ti prinese 15% popust lahko kupiš tukaj.