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Foto: Nike Koležnik |
Vital. Healthy. Proud of yourself. My motto in life is to respect and take care of your own body – that is the first step towards self-love and confidence. When I got an invitation to collaborate with Terme Krka and write about their program, I accepted it within a heartbeat. I knew the SlimFit program was that 'kick' we all need sometimes – weight-loss program that includes healthy meals, sports activities and wellnes services adjusted for each visitor. Because I spent a full week in Šmarješke Toplice Spa, and the timetable was packed, I decided to describe my experience with the program in two posts – one about sports acitivites and the wonderful nature, and next time you'll be reading about welness services and good food. But before I start, a little about the program: "SlimFit is a 5- or 7- day healthy weight loss program, including 5 diverse and healthy meals per day, sports activities, consultations with nutritionist, medical examination, ergometry, therapies and relaxation." For someone that doesn't usually work out that much, a quick review of the schedule can be a little shocking. Mornings are usually packed with sports activities with different levels of difficulty. And because I wasn't sure what some of them were because of their technical name, I will present all of them to you. FInd out more HERE. |
Vitalni. Zdravi.
Ponosni nase.
Moje vodilo v življenju je, da moraš spoštovati in negovati svoje telo – s tem pride tudi ljubezen do njega in do svoje celotne podobe. Ko sem dobila povabilo h sodelovanju s Terme Krka, sem ga brez pomisleka tudi sprejela. Že po opisu SlimFit programa je to prav tista 'brca', vzpodbuda, ki jo vsake toliko časa potrebujemo v življenju – program zdravega hujšanja, ki ne vključuje zgolj zdrave prehrane, ampak tudi celosten program športnih aktivnosti in sprostitvenih storitev, ki jih izvajajo strokovnjaki. Ker sem v termah Šmarješke Toplice preživela cel teden, urnik pa je bil natrpan, sem se odločila, da svoje doživetje opišem v dveh objavah. V današnji se bom osredotočila na športne aktivnosti in čudovito naravo, ki obdaja terme, prihodnjič pa boste izvedeli vse o razvajanju ter odlični in zdravi prehrani.
A preden začnem, naj povem še nekaj samem programu. "SlimFit je 5- ali 7-dnevni program zdravega hujšanja s polnim penzionom, ki poleg raznovrstne in zdrave prehrane ter športnih aktivnosti vključuje tudi uvodni in zaključni posvet s prehransko strokovnjakinjo, pregled in ergometrijo pri zdravniku, različne terapije, nego in sprostitev. "
Več o programu si poglej TUKAJ.
Event though it has a reputation of a 'senior activity', it can also get difficult. But because you're in the pool and the water is cooling you down, you don't even notice the sweat. We worked out in the water every morning in the inside pool, also with swim rings that increase the difficulty of the exercises. And of course, because of the loud music (all of the current hits), I could barely stay quiet. :D CARDIO TRAINING is an aerobic exercise that, with individual stresses according to the individual's limitations and abilities, enables safe and effective training of the cardiovascular system. The training takes place at the gym, where participants of the program alternately use paddle, running track, stationary bicycle and weights. There was also a trainer that was helping us with the exercises and was adjusting the machine settings if necessary. I notices all of the employees are putting a lot of effort to treat each of us separately, adjusting the exercises and to achieve the best results. PILATES is an easier sports activity that eliminates muscle imbalances and strengthens and at the same time relaxes the body. The practice is similar to yoga and suitable for people who sit a lot and have problems with the spine. Pilates is probably one of my favorites in the program, because we worked a lot on correct breathing and listening to our bodies. NORDIC WALKING is an outside activity where you use sticks to activate the whole body. There are a lot of beautiful paths around Šmarješka Toplice Spa, but the doctor sadly advised me to skip this activity due to my recent knee injury. MEDISAT is a low-intensity exercise on a bicycle, where you can enjoy an optional movie in a half-lying position for 40 minutes, and at the same time you're surrounded with infrared rays from the feet to the chest. The rays stimulate the process of lipolysis and the release of fatty acids. So basically, it looked a lot like a tanning salon, accompanied by your favorite movie (I watched a little bit of Honey and The Intouchables, but my favorite one was The Impossible!) | Kljub temu, da se je drži sloves 'upokojenske vadbe', zna biti vodna aerobika kar zahtevna. Ker pa si v vodi, ki te med vadbo prijetno hladi, nimaš občutka potenja. Ob živahni glasbi (trenutni hiti, ob katerih sem bila komajda tiho) smo se vsako jutro razgibavali v notranjem bazenu, tudi s pripomočki kot je plavalna tuba, s katerimi smo še otežili vaje. KARDIOKROS TRENING je aerobna vadba, ki z individualnimi obremenitvami glede na posameznikove omejitve in sposobnosti omogoča varen in učinkovit trening srčno-žilnega sistema. Trening poteka v telovadnici, kjer udeleženci programa izmenično uporabljajo veslača, tekalno stezo in sobno kolo ter uteži. Spremljal nas je tudi trener, ki je spremljal naš srčni utrip ter prilagajal vaje, v kolikor je bilo potrebno. Nasploh sem opazila, da se vsi zaposleni zelo trudijo, da obravnavajo vsakega posebej, prilagajajo vaje in se trudijo za najboljše rezultate. PILATES je lažja športna aktivnost, ki odpravlja mišična neravnovesja ter čvrsti in hkrati sprošča telo. Vadba je sicer podobna jogi, primerna pa za ljudi, ki veliko sedijo in tiste, ki imajo težave s hrbtenico. Pri pilatesu smo uporabljali tudi mehkejšo žogo, s katero smo otežili vaje, a za vsako je sledil počitek. Je ena mojih najljubših aktivnosti, saj pri njem veliko delamo na pravilnem dihanju in poslušamo svoje telo. NORDIJSKA HOJA je aktivnost v naravi, po čudoviti okolici term Šmarješke Toplice, kjer se uporabljajo palice za hojo in se aktivira celotno telo. Po nasvetu zdravnika sem nordijsko hojo zaradi nedavne poškodbe kolena sicer izpustila in nadomestila z drugimi storitvami. MEDISAT je vadba nizke intenzivnosti na kolesu, kjer v pol-ležečem položaju 40 minut lahko uživaš v poljubnem film, hkrati pa si od stopal do prsi obdan z infrardečimi žarki, ki spodbudijo proces lipolize in sproščanje maščobnih kislin. Izgledalo je približno tako, kot da ležim v solariju, zraven pa sem gledala film po lastnem izboru. Najprej sem izbrala Cukrček in Prijatelja, ampak najbolj me ja navdušil film Nemogoče! |

Foto: Nike Koležnik
If you have any questions about the SlimFit program I will be happy to answer or you can read more about it HERE.
Don't miss my next post where I'll be talking all about wellness and good food at Šmarješke Toplice Spa!
V kolikor imaš kakršnokoli vprašanje glede programa SlimFit ti nanj z veseljem odgovorim, več pa si lahko prebereš tudi TUKAJ.
Ne spreglej moje naslednje objave, kjer bom pisala o wellness storitvah in odlični hrani v termah Šmarješe Toplice!