Hey babes!
You all know I love Bell Hypoallergenic products as I have sensitive eyes
and skin and their products work really great with my skin and they are amazing
for the price! One of the new things that recently came in (or at least to
Slovenia) are Powder lipsticks. What's that, you might ask.
After liquid matte mania last year, powder lipsticks are here to take
their place in 2018. You can read on of my most read posts about liquid matte
lipsticks here, but let's talk about the new formula today!
My lips haven't been collaborating with me for a while now and are
all dry and patchy, no matter what I use and do, so the liquid mattes are a
NO-NO these days, even though Bell's and Misslyn's lippies (my absolute
faves) aren't that drying, I'd rather not risk it.
Bell's powder lipsticks are the thing I needed, as the finish is
still matt, which I love, but the new formula hydrates the lips and leaves a
velvety finish. As you can see from the swatches, the pigmentation is
amazing, but what I love the most is their fruity smell. You know how some
lipstick just smel horrible? Not these ones!
However, they will transfer a little during the day and leave a mark
on the glass, so don't forget to use a lip liner for a precise line. The
worst part is, you will 'eat' it, together with your lunch, so don't forget
to take it with you to re-apply.
Vsi, ki me berete dlje časa veste, kako rada imam Bell Hypoallergenic
izdelke, saj imam občutljivo kožo in oči, njihovi izdelki pa se čudovito
obnesejo, sploh za tako ugodno ceno! Ena izmed novosti na bodizenska.si so
pudraste šminke.
Po maniji nad tekočimi mat šminkami v lanskem letu, bodo (vsaj med
zimo) letos kraljevale pudraste šminke. Več o tekočih mat pa si lahko prebereš
v eni izmed mojih najbolj branih objav lanskega leta – klik.
Moje ustnice se zadnjih nekaj tednov, vsem balzamom in pilingom
navkljub, uspešno upirajo proti šminkam, sploh mat različicam, ki jih še bolj
Bell Hypoallergenic pudraste šminke so tako prišle ravno ob pravem
času, saj so še vedno mat, a nova formula ne izsuši ustnic, ampak jih vlaži,
zaključek pa je žameten. Na swatchih lahko vidiš, da je tudi pigmentacija
odlična, najbolj pa sem navdušena nad sadnim vonjem – kar pojedla bi jih! Za
razliko od nekaterih šmink, ki mi smrdijo, je tole pravo presenečenje za mojo
make-up torbico.
A vseeno imajo tudi nekaj negativnih lastnosti – ker niso popolnoma
mat, se bodo čez dan malo razlile čez rob ustnic, zato ne pozabi na svinčnik!
Puščale bodo odtis na kozarcu, kar je sicer simpatično, ampak jih (skupaj s
kosilom) enostavno 'poješ'. Ne pozabi je vzeti s seboj!
