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Photo: Nike Koležnik |
For as long as I can remember (or for as long as
I've been told women shouldn't have body hair) I've been struggling with
choosing the right tool and then struggling with irritated skin due to wrong
razor choice or weird ingredients of shaving creams. I already wrote about my
newest hair-removal tool here, but because I got a lot of questions about the
Braun Silk-epil 9 epilator and what I noticed while using it, I'm answering
all those question in today's post. Is it worth it? Read on!
Does it hurt?
Once again – no. You get a bit of a weird feeling when first using it, but I wouldn't describe it as pain. You get used to it and, believe it or not, it feels good once you've tried it. It has two different speed settings – start with the slower one and once it feels okay, start using the faster, second option.
How long does the skin stay smooth?
Okay, my first use wasn't as perfect and as 'smooth' as I thought it would be, but it's because I was doing it wrong. Once I realized the SensoSmart technology needs slow slides across the skin so it can catch every little hair, I started enjoying my epilation and doing it slowly. I can now say my skin stays completely smooth for about two weeks, which is amazing compared to razors, creams and other hair-removal products.
I noticed my hair started growing slower, there's a
smaller amount of them once they start to peak out and I don't have the
little dots on my skin like I always had after shaving.
Is it really safe to use it in the shower?
Totally! The model I have (Silk-epil 9 Wet&Dry SkinSpa)
is specially designed to use on dry skin or in the shower, because the hot
water also makes the use of an epilator easier.
What about the in-grown hair?
Ahhh, remember all those times you've had an in-grown
hair after shaving? So annoying! To be honest, I haven't noticed any in-growns
since I've been regularly using my epilator, so that's a big plus!
Something that's gonna help you prevent irritated
skin, in-grown hair and dryness are aaaall the extras you get along with this
epilator, a total of 13 different nozzles! From a massage and peeling nozzle
to a trimmer and sensitive areas
How do you charge it, does it have to be plugged-in
all the time?
You get a little stand for your epilator, to which
the charger can be plugged-in. You can't use it when it's charging, so every
use is cable-free! The battery is full in about an hour or so, but the
battery life is amazing. I've been using it quite a lot, but only charged it
twice. It's recommended to charge it before every use (just to avoid dead
battery during the epilation), but I wanted to test the durability as well.
Would you recommend it to someone that has never
used an epilator before?
Yes! This was also my first epilator, and although I
wasn't sure how I'm going to handle the pain, it's one of the best decisions
this summer! Doesn't hurt, will last longer than any razor, has different
nozzles to make your life and hair-removal even easier and it's great even
for travelling as it comes with a bag.
This post was created in collaboration with Braun.
Odkar pomnim,
smo lahko dekleta brale in poslušale o tem, da ženske pač ne smemo
imeti dlak drugje kot na glavi. S skrbjo, kako se znebiti vseh ostalih, bojda
neželenih dlak, je prišlo tudi iskanje pravega orodja za depilacijo in
britje, večina od njih pa je mojo kožo pustila razdraženo, suho in posuto z
rdečimi pikicami. O svojem najnovejšem pripomočku za odstranjevanje dlak sem že
pisala tukaj, danes pa odgovarjam na vsa vprašanja o Braunovem Silk-epil 9
Ali boli?
Na to vprašanje sem že odgovorila, a naj ponovim –
ne! Sprva lahko govorimo o malce neprijetnem, novem občutku, ki pa ga ne bi
opisala kot bolečino. Nanj se navadiš in, verjameš ali ne, na koncu je
občutek kar prijeten. Na voljo sta dve nastavitvi hitrosti, zato začni s
prvo, počasnejšo opcijo. Ko se navadiš, pa lahko daš v drugo prestavo. 😉
Kako dolgo koža ostane gladka?
Čisto iskreno, nad prvo uporabo nisem bila popolnoma navdušena, a sem ugotovila, da sem epilator uporabljala narobe. SilkEpil 9 ima vgrajeno SensoSmart tehnologijo in lučko, ki ti pomaga, a le, če epilator uporabljaš s počasnejšimi potegi. Le tako bo ujel vsako dlako, tudi tisto naaajmanjšo. Moja koža ostane gladka približno dva tedna, kar je v primerjavi z ostalimi metodami odstranjevanja dlak vrhunsko. Opazila sem, da dlake rastejo počasneje in tudi ko prikukajo na plano, jih je manj, saj rastejo različno hitro. In tiste nadležne rdeče pikice, ki sem jih imela po britju? Preteklost!
Je uporaba v vodi res varna?
Seveda! SilkEpil 9 Wet&Dry SkinSpa je zasnovan
posebej za uporabo na suhi koži in pod vodo. Tudi zato, da je njegova uporaba
lažja, saj se koža pod vročo vodo omehča.
Kaj pa vraščene dlake?
Joj, imaš tudi ti težave z njimi po britju? Kako
nadležno! Odkar uporabljam epilator, zaenkrat še nisem opazila nobene
vraščene dlake, kar je velik plus.
Preventiva za zoprne vraščene dlake pa so tudi vsi
dodatki in nastavki – skupaj jih je kar 13 - ki pridejo v kompletu z
epilatorjem. Masaža, piling in nastavki za občutljivejše predele.
Kako se polni, mora biti ves čas priklopljen?
Poleg epilatorja in dodatkov je v paketu tudi priročno
stojalo, ki je hkrati tudi polnilna postaja. Med polnjenjem ga ne moreš
uporabljati, je pa zato vsaka uporaba brezžična!
Napolni se v približno eni uri, zdrži pa zelooo
dolgo! Odkar ga imam, sem ga veliko
uporabljala, a polnila zgolj dvakrat. Priporočeno je, da se polni pred vsako
uporabo, da se izognemo prazni bateriji, a sem želela preizkusiti tudi vzdržljivost.
Bi ga priporočila tudi tistim, ki epilatorja še niso
Vsekakor! Tudi sama sem se prvič srečala z epilacijo
in kljub temu, da sem se prve uporabe kar malo bala, lahko zdaj rečem, da je bila
to enih boljših odločitev za poletje.
Ne boli, zdrži mnogo dlje kot katerakoli britvica,
ima različne nastavke, ki bodo olajšali odstranjevanje dlak, hkrati pa je
super za potovanje, saj vključuje tudi potovalno vrečko.
Objava je nastala v sodelovanju s podjetjem Braun.